Unspoken Achtung! / Rijksmuseum
To bring attention to a coming exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, which deals with the Netherlands colonial past, we wanted to rename Jacob Jansz Coemans iconic painting 'Pieter Cnoll Cornelia van Nijenrode and their Daughters'. 
Thing is,  our research showed that the Cnoll family had more than 50 personal slaves. Therefore, we want to rename the painting to 'Pieter Cnoll, Cornelia van Nijenrode, their daughters and their slaves Marco and Melissa'.
Schooltelefoon Achtung! / KPN
During the Corona outbreak most people suddenly had to work and study from home. In the Netherlands news-channels and politicians reported that some families were experiencing a lack of screens.  Many children don’t have a computer or smartphone and for some families it’s not possible to  purchase an extra smartphone or computer. This means that some students are having a had time following their studies and receiving proper education.
With more than 120 KPN stores closed,  and an estimated 3000 display models currently not in use. KPN would lead by example, by lending out their display phones to the families who need them the most. Furthermore KPN would invite their competitors to join in, whilst also giving private people the chance to donate their old smart phones. 
25 FOR MORE Achtung! / KPN
Dutch tele-provider KPN offers a product called more Unlimited. This offers the possibility to give away 25gb of data every month to someone who you share an address with. We were asked to promote More Unlimited to a young audience that wants more from their tele-providers than just data.
Giving away 25gb data to someone on your address makes a lot of sense for couples and parents. Not so much for our target group. However, our audience care about societal subjects and they are not afraid to donate money or services towards a good cause. That’s why we allow KPN More Unlimited customers to share their 25gb data, not with someone on their address, but to someone who might not have an address.
We team up with several NGOs and charities, which you can choose to support and these will then make sure that the data gets to the right people. It might seem counterintuitive but homeless and refugees are often need a reliable internet connection more than we do.
Kim Self-initiated project
While experimenting with different kind of deepfakes, we came up with the idea of creating a  genderless voice assistant. We called it Kim, and to generate it's voice we used different voice-snippets from the worlds most famous Kims. 
Street-wise Self-initiated project
All over the world controversial street names and statues fuel hate, controversy and polarisation. Opinions are opinionated, history happened. We shouldn't blindly honor colonial exploiters, but we also can't afford to forget the wrong-doings that have been done. However, in fear of creating controversy governments and municipals tend to ignore these discussions. Both poles suddenly feel offended and nothing really changes. 
We created a software, which effectively hacks street signs and sees them as a QR-code, thereby providing a AR overlay which provides factual information in order to educate the general population and get a more cohabitant society. 
Btw, that's the ugliest mock-up ever. 

Mirror || Mirror Self-initiated project
Sketch for a future installation to be placed in exhibition concerning online culture.

LogiGun Self-initiated
Sketch for a DIY AI weapons platform, which we ended up making.

Speedo London College of Communication. 
I got ten minutes to come up with a concept for a print ad for Speedo aimed at non-athletes. I've always been fascinated by the confidence of Speedo wearers,  so I decided to base our concept around that insight.